Medical Malpractice

The Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Claims
Contact Marjorie Chalfant, RN, JD at The Nurse Attorney, PLLC Lawsuits (both civil and criminal) are governed by time period deadlines by which a lawsuit must be filed, known as the statute of limitations. These statutes of limitations are codified within each state’s...

Five Commonly Misdiagnosed Conditions in Florida
“Medical negligence” is a term that usually conjures up images of doctors leaving medical instruments and/or devices inside a patient following a surgery or operating on the wrong body part. Misdiagnosis mistakes – wherein a medical professional misreads your signs...

Should I Settle My Medical Malpractice Case with the Hospital or Doctor?
Florida hospitals and medical professionals alike know that incidents of medical malpractice can be bad for business. If the details of a botched surgery or a serious misdiagnosis become public through news reports or court proceedings, both hospitals and doctors know...

Obvious (and Not So Obvious) Examples of Birth-Related Malpractice
Medical errors that occur before and during the delivery of a newborn are some of the most tragic and costly medical errors that can occur. There are a variety of factors that help explain this: not only are the mother’s and child’s health in jeopardy during the...

Noneconomic Damages in Your Florida Medical Malpractice Case
Noneconomic damages – that is, damages for “harms” and “losses” that are not tied to a bill, invoice, or other statement of account – can be significant in Florida medical malpractice cases. These damages are designed to compensate a medical malpractice victim for his...

Blood clot malpractice can be deadly
Blood clot malpractice occurs when doctors fail to diagnose and treat blood clots, especially when blood clots cause death or brain damage. Blood clots can clog the lungs (“pulmonary embolism,” or “pulmonary emboli”) and cause shortness of breath or difficulty...
Healthcare Licensing

Surgical Infection $3 million Jury Verdict
Our client suffered septic shock and nearly died two weeks after her baby was delivered by C-section. The client had a prolonged labor with ruptured membranes, but the OB/GYN didn’t give antibiotics prior to the C-section surgery. A few days after the C-section, our...

$1,500,000 settlement for misdiagnosis of an ependymoma
Our client complained of back and neck pain with numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. Her orthopedic surgeon diagnosed her with “degenerative disc disease” and referred her to a neurologist for the numbness and tingling. The neurologist performed an EMG...

Misdiagnosis of heart attack $500,000 jury verdict
Our diabetic client was 34 years old when she developed chest pain and nausea. She went to the emergency room where an EKG was done, but it was normal. The ER doctor didn’t order cardiac enzyme tests or other diagnostic tests and wrongly concluded our client had a...

Medical Malpractice: Policy limit settlement for OB/GYN negligence
When our pregnant client developed severe low back pain and nausea in the middle of the night, she went to the emergency room and was admitted to the labor and delivery unit. Urine tests showed some blood in the urine, and laboratory blood tests showed a slightly...

$500,000 settlement for false diagnosis of cancer (radiologist negligence)*
Our client complained of fatigue, headaches, and general aches and pains. Laboratory testing was “mildly suspicious” for multiple myeloma, so the family practice doctor ordered x-rays, including x-rays of the patient’s head/skull. The defendant radiologist wrongly...

$800,000.00 settlement for misdiagnosis of colorectal cancer*
Our client sought treatment from his family practice physician for occasional rectal bleeding. The doctor performed a colonoscopy in his office, which he concluded was “normal,” and diagnosed our client hemorrhoids. The patient returned to his doctor several more...
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